
How to Develop a Minimum Marketable Product (MMP): Timeless Advice from the Master of Startups

Steve Blank’s seminal 2003 book titled The Four Steps to the Epiphany started the lean startup movement. This book redefined how startups are launched. The Four Steps to Epiphany shares a wealth of knowledge on rapid iteration, customer feedback, testing your assumptions. It explains in lucid detail the way to excellent customer development. Let’s understand […]

3 Questions to Ask While Scoping Out Your Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

You have a great idea and you feel it’s time to build it out. Even though your idea is very promising, you want to be very careful not to kill it with poor execution or running out of budget. You’re asking your friends for recommendations for an expert or you already have someone in mind. You’ve decided that going the MVP route is theright approach. At this point, you have a few questions to answer before diving in tobuild your MVP: Who is the consumer of your MVP?  How do you pick the right set of features for your MVP?  Given that your MVP will have only a few features, how do you  ensure that your customers stay invested and interested in  your offering? Let’s deal with them one by one.  Who is the consumer of your MVP?  MVP by […]

Digital Technology Trends

Technology has impacted every aspect of our lives over the last few years – our personal, professional and social lives changing the way our day to day interactions take place. Technology has played a major role in the education sector with how our schools operate and ways in which kids are learning. Seeing how fast […]

Product Testing – the only way to ensuring product quality!

Some common challenges in Product Testing:  Product Road map is not clearly defined and we aren’t sure if automation is appropriate for us? In most ISVs & Software Enabled Businesses, developers double up as testers and there is no formal testing process in place QA is typically given a step-motherly treatment and is looked at […]